The 2009 is provided below. Would be interesting to know if you have very different ratings for any of the movies mentioned.
Being a bit statistically inclined, I have kept some notes of the movies that I have seen in theaters since 2007, and the summary would be as follows:
Year Movies Seen H:E Top Rating (on 10) Avg Rating
2007 32 22:10 9.0 5.78
2008 30 23:7 8.5 6.35
What I have found over the years is that I was tending to give a 7 rating for movies that I found average, which was not leaving much scope for fairly rewarding the truly exceptional movies as there was a space crunch between 7.5-9.0.
Going forward I will be recalibrating my existing 7.0 to 5.0, so you will notice a considerable drop in average ratings. However, this will help in highlighting the good, great and outstanding efforts. Or sifting the men from the boys to put it chauvinistically!
I will continue updating the ratings through Twitter and Facebook and will be looking forward to your comments and thoughts.
Wishing everyone a wonderful new year will many great movies to come that will keep us engrossed till 2011:)
My two pennies,
Beg to differ on the ratings for some movies:
Luck By Chance: Deserves a 7.5
Delhi 6: 8 May be
New York: Again, I would give it some more credit, so 7.5 and if you can be a bit generous then 8.0 is fine too.
Kaminey: 7.5 (may be its my Vishal Bhardwaj bias talking here)
wow... do u actually maintain an spreadsheet for all the movies u see...u seem 2 be a bit generous with a lot of films...probably watching Blue & Tasveer would have brought down ur average...:D
As a CA, let me congratulate on your precision and accuracy !!! And yes the new SMDB (:D) ratings will be more logical and excellence will be rewarded. Come on you film-makers around the world - now get an 8 from Suhel and then pat yourselves on the back.
@Subtle Expressions - I wouldn't disagree too much with the ratings you have suggested. However, with the new rating scheme starting this year I don't think any of that holds true any more:)
@Quetzalcoat - I was way too generous with my ratings so far and thus the new rating scheme. The average will come down by 2 points for sure.
@Abhility - Your compliments are humbly accepted:) Yes, look forward to being a more credible rating agency going forward. You take on 8 being the magic number is bang on!
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