Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Humbled By The Big B!

Amitabh Bachchan replied to me on Twitter! Yes, I am as excited as I should be if Amitabh Bachchan responds to me on Twitter! To add to that I am the 2nd person (besides his son and Sachin Tendulkar) whom he has responded to! The exclamation signs should be a good indication of my present excitement levels! Presenting the conversation below.

This was my original Tweet. By the way, the third person he was following was another Suhel from the world of advertising - Suhel Seth.

At this time the Big B was just learning to find out who is tweeting to him, and to respond to them. And within 2 minutes I check my replied to find a response from the biggest star of Indian cinema!

As someone tweeted, I was one of the first lucky 5 to get a response from Mr. Bachchan, couldn't agree more with him.

God bless you Mr. Bachchan

P.S: I had received a ":-)" from JuniorBachchan sometime back. Wonder if I can be termed a family friend of the Bachchans now;)


Deepak said...

This is Epic Awesome! Too good. One step remains to become a family friend of the Bachchans now - a tweet from Amar Singh

hooloovoo said...

Awesome! Should I be taking your autograph now? ;)

Jayatri said...

hillarious...suhel you are incorrigible

Sukhdeepak said...

Congratulations. Sooner or later you will be in the most close friends list.

Sorcerer said...

Haha.. Good one dude...that must be really exciting

Raj said...

Congratulation........... really great time for you.

Suhel Banerjee said...

@Deepak - Looks like the family is disintegrating.

@Ranjana - Let me get one for you from the Big B:)

@Jayatri - Am I not?

@Sukhdeepak - The day is not far off.

@Sorcerer - You bet.

@Raj - Thanks!